Friday, December 13, 2019
6 pm until 8 pm
At The Arc Susquehanna Valley
326 Market Street
Sunbury, PA
$5.00 per person
Please join us for finger sandwiches, cookies, pastries, herbal teas, coffee, and punch. Wear your Christmas sweater! Prizes will be awarded for the ugliest sweater, most original sweater, most beautiful sweater, and the sweater with the most Christmas spirit. Make a keepsake ornament. Have fun with holiday games.
Relax. Refresh. Rewind.
6 pm until 8 pm
At The Arc Susquehanna Valley
326 Market Street
Sunbury, PA
$5.00 per person
Please join us for finger sandwiches, cookies, pastries, herbal teas, coffee, and punch. Wear your Christmas sweater! Prizes will be awarded for the ugliest sweater, most original sweater, most beautiful sweater, and the sweater with the most Christmas spirit. Make a keepsake ornament. Have fun with holiday games.
Relax. Refresh. Rewind.